August was a wash in terms of finding new books…a cruel twist of fate had me working almost exactly all of the open hours at my local library. But I’m back into the swing of things this month. So far, I’m working on:
- The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson by Jerome Charyn. The author signed his author’s note “Paris and New York” and that really bugged me–he couldn’t have been in both places, right? But the book is very entertaining and trippy. It’s written from Emily Dickinson’s point of view (a.k.a. lots of &’s and Random Capitalization).
- A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. I read a short story with one of my students (“The Sandkings,” which I think should have been called “The Sandqueens”?) that hooked me. I’m 400 pages in and I understand so many more Twitter references now. WINTER IS COMING.
- Oranges are not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson. Seems more autobiographical than novel-ish so far, but that’s allowed. On the other hand, there’s not a lot of exciting scenes.
- Death by Landscape by Margaret Atwood. This story is off the hook.
- More Game of Thrones. Basically all Game of Thrones all the time.
- The Secret Garden. A re-read, and I forgot how enjoyable and weird it is.