Hello! It’s been an awful long time, and I’ve been tinkering around on my website, and I wanted to let you know about a few things I’ve updated and changed around here.
First things first, I want to say that I am part of the Black Lives Matter movement. Black Lives Matter, now, always, and forever. You are welcome no matter who you are–I want to be inclusive of all races, genders, identities, and creeds. So, welcome! Finding ways to be more inclusive in my business and my work is a big priority of mine, and if you have any ideas or suggestions, please email me at alicia@aliciadelosreyes.com (or come find me on Instagram–I’m @likesoatmeal).
Next, when the global pandemic really started, my life changed, as I’m sure yours did, too. My priorities are different, and I am focusing on my family.
So, I am not going to make another print planner for writers this year–The Writer’s Process Planner is going to be PDF only. I haven’t settled on the final details for what it will look like/when it will be available, but watch this space if you want to know! Or sign up for my newsletter.
Finally, I decided to make all my ebooks free here on my website (you still have to check out, but I won’t collect your email or anything like that) and $.99 on Amazon. When I first made them free, I kind of thought the pandemic would be a six-week thing. Ha. Ha. Ha. Here we are, and I think I will keep them free for the foreseeable future. I’ve talked about this with my publisher, KMR Publishing (who is also one of my best friends), and she is totally on board.
Enjoy! Share with friends! Just please don’t re-publish my work.
I think that’s it for now. Cheers to you all–stay safe and happy writing!