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Scratch Paper Podcast, Episode 25: Pause (#2) for celebration!

This episode is a bit of a break from the usual format–no lesson, just a reflection on how finishing my latest draft feels good/bad/different from the last novel I wrote. I mull over what makes this celebration more complicated than the last (spoiler alert: I am not looking forward to revising!).

Subscribers: click on the giant image below to click through to my site to listen. (Scroll to the bottom to find the player.) Of course, you can also listen on Stitcher or iTunes.


Readers and listeners: whether you get this in your inbox or read it on my site, I have a question for you! Do you miss the links I typically post here? I have a lot going on (a lot = one small child), and I have been falling down on sharing my podcasts because typing up the show notes takes for. ever. So…do you use the show notes? Are they helpful to you? A good use of my time? Or…not?

Please hit reply and let me know! (Or comment on this blog post, if you’re reading on my site!)



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