I am a writer and I love flowcharts. You are a writer, and you’d like some direction. You want to know the next step–a tricky question in the field of writing. Do you keep revising? Send out your work? To who? How do you find them? What about self-publishing–and marketing. What is marketing?
I love breaking down nebulous concepts into concrete steps, maps, tables, and (my favorite) flowcharts. I dislike empty promises, overnight success stories, and inflated rags-to-riches tales. I’m a writer, just like you, and I believe that with consistent action towards a goal, you can achieve self-satisfaction (no matter what the outcome). The Writer’s Process Planner fills in the steps for you. This goal-setting guide will help you to start. Sign up below to download it now!
Want to find out more about me and my work? Visit aliciadelosreyes.com.
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