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An update and a request

Hi, friends and fans,

Thank you for keeping up with me–I’ve taken a break for the past few weeks to spend some time with family and to finish my novel (not done yet, but getting close…closer!).

I’m writing today to ask you to help me win a contest. It’s run by Submittable, which is the platform most literary contests and journals use to let people submit their work.


The contest is a video contest about life post-MFA. Mine is about keeping up with my friends Larry, Jennie, and Craig, and there are even (cartoon) portraits included.

It would mean *so* much to me if you would click on this link, click “Login to vote” in the top right hand corner, and give me a thumbs up (vote).  You can log in with your Submittable account OR with Facebook, and it will only take ten seconds.

Here’s the link again:

Right now, I’m in third place, so I actually have a shot! It’s very exciting, and the winner gets a “tailor-made career booster.”

If you do vote for me, please comment, send me an email, or tag me on Twitter (@likesoatmeal) or Instagram (also @likesoatmeal) so I can say thank you.


And  I will be back with new Scratch Paper Podcast episodes, new life updates, and even (gasp) a new writing guide soon!


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